
A journal of my various spiritual & relationship learning experiences...

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Mountaintop Channelling 

A couple of weeks ago I was recommended to go to a park that resides at the top of a mountain somewhere in LA. I decided to go despite feeling a bit emotional about exploring some other part of town of which I was not familiar (which is rather ludicrous since all I do each and every day while I'm here is explore areas that are unfamiliar to me, and to make matters worse, I meet with people who generally don't want to see salespeople - the whole notion was just silly). Anyway, my gut told me to go, despite being fearful and so I went - It was totally worth it. The view was spectacular - of the entire valley,the air seemed a bit cleaner, and in general the energy felt pretty good up there! Arriving at the top, I noticed a tree to my left side, perched by itself atop a tiny hill. After parking and not leaving some money for the park ranger (I wasn't planning on staying long) I noticed that there was no easy way to get to that tree except by following a small trail, so I looked across the road and saw another region atop a mostly barren hill & decided to go over there, instead. Once I got up there, I noticed there were some lavender bushes around and decided to grab some leaves for my medicine bag. I'll go more into the medicine bag in another post if I hadn't mentioned it already(need to check). Anyway, in the bad I presently have some crystals, sage, & mugwort. I thought that the smell of lavendar would be a welcome addition since I carry it with me almost everywhere I go.

So, without thinking I took some leaves from the nearest plant and placed them in my bag. Soon after I felt a little guilty for not asking permission, so I apologized to the bush and asked for forgiveneenss. My attention then turned towards another lavender bush a few yards away and I decided to ask this bush for some leaves beforehand...

I mentally asked the bush, "Can I have some of your leaves?", and it responded in my head, "Why? For what purpose?".
I then answered, "For spiritual cleansing reasons" , and it answered, "Ok, but will you please remove the trash that resides underneath my limbs?".

At the time I didn't see anything, but as I moved closer and looked underneath, I noticed an empty Absolut vodka bottle that I quickly pocketed it so I can trash it on my way back to the car, and then I saw something a little more subtle - it was a ceramic bunny rabbit!

So I picked it up and flipped it around, checking it out. Strange I thought, especially when I turned it upside-down and found a bottle-cap on the bottom. I unscrewed it and pulled out a tiny dowel with 2 sheets of a long & thin piece of paper rolled around the stick. Upon unrolling it I found a whole bunch of entries in it, with some sort of circular green symbol on it that reminded me of GeoCaching. I'm going to have to check out the site and look it up. I didn't feel like writing anything at the time, and no pencil was available, so I put it away back into it's hiding spot.

Afterwards, I felt a little guilty for putting it back when the bush wanted to trash removed, but maybe that wasn't trash - maybe it's there to act as a beacon to bring explorers over to the bush and that is what it likes. Who knows?

Maybe I'll go back again and ask it.

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