
A journal of my various spiritual & relationship learning experiences...

Sunday, April 18, 2004


I'm in some sort of wierd funk this afternoon... Maybe it's because it's a really hot/humid day in St. Louis and after spending a few hours outside mowing 3 lawns with an electric trimmer, I'm rather tired.

So, enough complaining... My wife and I are considering a move to Mexico. We've thought about this before, and it's taken me a long time to get to the point where I was even willing to consider it. I have really mixed feelings about whether I should stay here and continue working hard while trying to improve myself for future employment options, or if I should sell off mostly everything and move to Mexico for a more relaxed lifestyle where ~manyana~ is the way things are mostly handled.

Realistically, since I am always interested in improving myself, I guess I'll continue living in St. Louis while keeping my ear on the ground listening carefully for any signs of Mexican opportunity.

I guess my main reason for moving there would be to take a vacation from the constant complexities of life... Managing real-estate, making a living that pays well while providing a healthy & interesting work environment, moving lawns, managing increasingly complex finances & taxes (which I have yet to do), keeping up with the latest in RE law, etc. It's really not that bad now that I've written them down, but nevertheless, it does get tiring pretty often. I also don't want to turn 50 and feel regretful about not doing something exciting (like moving to Mexico/elsewhere) while I don't have too many responsibilities. Also, since we're having trouble getting my wife pregnant, we could take advantage of the great prices in IVF treatments while we're over there.

I see some other cool things about moving over there: I could become fluent in Spanish which would be certainly be helpful for any future employment possibilities, I can hang around and R E L A X. It would be a great time for me to take an extended period of time working on energetic healing, meditation, kundalini meditation, and hopefully achieving an OOBE state willingly and with some consistency. During the day I could try to do some part-time work as an engineer, programmer, web-designer, speech-writer (- Thank you, Toastmasters), or as an Artist (one of my latest dreams that's been ruminating in my mind for many years, on & off). I could teach some taiji, qigong, hand-on-healing, meditation classes. I could have the time to take classes in pottery, drawing, anything! If we could have some businesses that we manage remotely that are paying for our lifestyle, that would be ideal!

This blogging phenonema is really great... I never realized that by writing my thoughts down I would feel so much better about myself. What a great outlet. I do have some handwritten journals that I've used for significan spiritual experiences, art ideas, or for personal stuff, but this is different. Quite cathartic.

Anyway, I started to blog this evening because I wanted to bookmark some sites that I wanted to access for future reading. I'm trying to improve upon myself to such a degree that I have WAY more options available to me that I know what to do with. Then I can leave the best choices up to serendipity to help me decide which would be best. I was originally trained as an EE, but after working for a few years in the field as a sound/music embedded programmer & designer for the toy industry, ASIC engineer for the flight simulator & communications industries, and as a warehouse automation software engineer (presently) - I feel that since I have now discovered that of all the engineering-related work I've done, the work that I most enjoy is the type that is at a high-level (with some (aka little) low-level programming) in a consulting sort of way. I really enjoy meeting new people and helping them solve their various problems. But I don't see myself always working in the engineering capacity - there is more to life than the low-level crap that is sometimes such a pain to work on (and othertimes quite wonderful), but in order to achieve more, I must E X P A N D. . .

So, here's what I'm currently working on:
Toastmasters International: A fantastic way to build up leadership & public speaking skills. I've met some good friends through this organization and I believe that this is a pretty inexpensive & wonderful way to work towards success.
- I am currently working on my 1st speech (My) Life as a Tango, and I'm delivering it on Tuesday. I can't wait. I'm also going to try to run for the VP of Public Relations position - I think It will suit me well & I'll do a good job at it.

Awareness of my Weaknesses: I think I tend to drone on-and-on when I tell stories while causing my audience to lose attention, so I recognize that this is something I really need to work on. I realize that story-telling is a powerful medium. It's a sales tool, a relationship tool, and a relaxation tool among other things. My wife uses story-telling to help me realize that I'm being a jerk about some sort of situation. By turning my behavior into a turned-around story, she does an excellent job of showing me what I'm REALLY doing (that I may have not realized). It helps.
- Technically, I'm designing back-end web pages for an enterprise-wide project involving my company and the various other companies that we do business with. Right now things are quasi-simplistic due to the our lack of proper expertise and the time to implement in the best possible way. So, I'm taking alot of time these days to learn about some more advanced web-design/dba/site-engineering topics.

Allowing myself to be creative: I believe that I have inherited alot of my grandmother's creativity, but I've barely put any of it to use. As a student of the mystical arts, I plan on using my ideas on energy and the spiritual realms in the form of sculpture, and quasi-functional artwork. I need to learn about pottery & ceramics, drawing, painting, color, form, metal & wood-work, etc. There is alot to learn... Also, I need to try to put in a little more work on piano & guitar stuff. I'm learning to play general stuff on the piano, but for guitar, I'd like to play improvisational middle-eastern, spanish, and progressive rock/metal at some point. It's a long road, but a worthwhile one.

There's probably alot more that I haven't listed here yet, so anyway...

Here are some links for my future reference:
How to save the world
A Primer on story writing
Business Papers

Goodbye for now...

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